My journey and how I arrived in Nordegg

Weclome to Nordegg Mountain Massage.  So lovely of you to stop by! 

I have been practicing massage therapy for nearly15  years.  Prior to massage therapy I worked in mental health for 17 years.  I can honestly say both are passions and both provide infinite learning which for this "curious cat" is extremely gratifying.  I am a life long learner and definitely a "seeker".  

I am an Orophile; a person who loves mountains. I will forever be in search of a way to articulate how exactly the mountains make me feel.  It’s incredibly visceral, humbling and healing.     When I was in my 20’s I had a very vivid dream.  I saw myself living in a small mountain cabin offering massage therapy in a room with a fire place. Today I am living this dream.  In 2022  I moved to Nordegg and reside in a humble and cosy mountain view home.  In 2023  an addition was made  to the  home and it’s here where I offer a variety of wellness services which includes massage therapy by the fire place.    

My journey as a health and wellness practitioner is rooted in the quest to facilitate healing, understand, connect, transform and transcend barriers so that people can thrive and “live well long” .    I believe it is our search for our own “cure” that we learn how to heal others, cultivate compassion, discover meaning and evolve as indiviuals.  

I have great reverence for the human body, mind and spirit and marvel at how deeply they are interconnected.  The body is truly a miracle in it’s design and how it operates fairly seamlessly in the abscence of dis-ease.  


It is my great privilege to work with you and be a small part of your wellness journey.  


“Live well long”.  


See you soon!

